Turn Off Anisotropic Filtering Skyrim

  1. Antialiasing Filtering
  2. Anisotropic Filtering On Or Off
  3. Anisotropic Filtering 8x Or 16x

Anisotropic filtering AWOL Game looks like vanilla but better, blurry af because of TAA, but I wonder if forcing 16x anisotropic in Nvidia panel, will work as well as it does in Vanilla? Maybe it'll break the game.only one way to find out, SCIENCE!

Posted by4 years ago
  • As the others mentioned, ENBs provide their own AA and AF. If you keep the game's AA and AF enabled while using an ENB, you will get weird graphical artifacts and glitches. So I have the Nvidia Control Panel set to override and disable all antialiasing and anisotropic filtering for Skyrim.
  • When they are set to 'Application Preference' they are OFF unless a program turns them on. If you don't have 'App pref' checked, then they are FORCED on. This usually isn't a problem with AF(i've never had a problem with it forced on anyway), but AA(I.E. SmoothVision) can cause problems in some games if you force it on. I usually force on AF.

The Skyrim Launcher Options linked in STEP v2.2.9 Section 1.B recommend setting Anisotropic Filtering to 16 Samples. But Section 1.E.1 suggests that the graphics card should be set to control Anisotropic Filtering. And The Nvidia Inspector Guide in Section 1.E.1.2 asks you to set Anisotropic Filtering to 'User-defined/off' and at 16x.

Should both of these settings be put to 16x or just one of them? And if just one, is the other supposed to be left at some default or turned to off/zero?

To further complicate things, I plan to use an ENB. And STEP says ENBoost users should 'skip this section' under the Nvidia settings. I'm assuming this means I should leave AF at whatever the default is (under Nvidia Inspector's Skyrim settings). But what about AF in the launcher settings? Do you need to specify anything in the ENB ini other than making sure it's turned on?

Any insight on this (or anything else involved that I might be missing) would be much appreciated!



I was recently told by someone knowledgeable that it looks like my anisotropic filtering is off. It's enabled in my ENB so I was confused by this. It was suggested I turn it off in the ENB and on in my drivers. I did this, no change. I enabled it a variety of different ways and any way I do it I see no change, including turning it off everywhere.

Antialiasing Filtering

Here is a picture of the tundra with AF enabled in my ENB but off everywhere else, as instructed by the ENB author:

And here is a picture with AF disabled everywhere- drivers, skyrim launcher, enb, all off:

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I should also say it was this picture which prompted the observation that AF was off. I don't know what else to take a picture of for an example.

So.. I don't know what to make of this and really, I don't even know what it's -supposed- to look like with AF off, so I can't even say what's wrong with the picture other than clearly it's not working if I can turn it off everywhere and get the same result. Does the image look wrong to you guys? What is it supposed to look like with AF and why would my AF not be working?

Anisotropic Filtering On Or Off

Here's a picture of the relevant parts of the Inspector pane, I don't know what most of it does, I just followed STEP and the ENB author's recommendations:

Any help with this puzzling situation would be wonderful.

Anisotropic Filtering 8x Or 16x

*Edit: I just realized my thumbnails were not going full size when clicked for some reason, so I added direct links below the images.

Edited by aaltair, 09 May 2015 - 01:55 PM.